Where can I report those corrupt practices in government transactions that came to my attention?

You may report through our COA Citizens’ Desk Reporting System (CDRS) via www.cdrs.coa.gov.ph. CDRS is a tool to efficiently receive, record and monitor the queries, complaints, requests and reports on allegations of fraud, waste or mismanagement of public funds. We utilize this Helpdesk using a support ticket system through CDRS. You may open a ticket thru:

  1. Web. Send inquiry, thru our official webpage online.
  2. Mail. You may also send to our Email at [email protected].
  3. Mobile. Use COA Official APP and submit your queries and concerns.

You may also use the 8888 Citizens’ Complaint Center by calling number 8888, sending SMS to 8888, or via www.8888.gov.ph.

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